Steamed Pork Custard

Hi, I am not sure if the above title is correct. Custard in this country usually means a thick sauce made of eggs and milk and it is usually sweet. There is also custard tart that has a custard filling but the custard is firm. I use the name ‘Steamed Pork Custard’ as I think …

aubergine, egg-plant

Let’s get seasonal, seasonal. Aubergine or Egg-Plant

Easy Rojak Aubergine/Egg-Plant. I have been dabbling with many different types of ingredients here in this country. I must admit I am not as adventurous  as I want to be. In this time of the year autumnal fruits and vegetables are in season. Aubergine or egg-plant is in season now. I am pretty sure aubergines …


I bought a Middle Eastern cook book two Christmas ago and had a quick look at it. So recently I decided to have a look at it again and found this recipe. It was easy enough to make and it sounded tasty. I was looking for a snack or  tea time treat. This recipe is just nice …