The weather is getting to be a bit weird. Last few weeks there were flooding in a lot of places in England and Scotland. The Midlands where I live did not have it too bad, although Lancashire was hit.
It is winter now and the temperature hardly dipped below 1oC! In fact for the past 2 to 3 weeks, it was rather mild. There were a few trees blooming for the last 3 to 4 weeks.
Today while walking back home after lunch at the Bowling Club, we came across spring blooms. I was taking a snap and the neighbour commented that she has been doing the same – taking photos of spring blooms in winter.

I was also told that this is the winter flowering variety. Hmmm… as usual, I learn new things everyday. I thought I saw this tree in bloom in spring in the past years.

It is just another 4 days before Christmas. This reminds me that soon it will be winter solstice. Last year I made Kuih Ee, or glutinous rice balls in syrup, aka, Tang Yuen. Winter solstice is on 23rd December. I think this time I will try making the Kuih Ee with filling.
In the mean time, if you need to make it , here is the link.
I am sure many of you are busy with preparation for Christmas and the New Year. I will be busy with cleaning and tidying the house while my other half sort our Christmas. Then comes my turn to do Chinese New year!!
Merry Christmas and have a wonderful holiday season.