An amazing experience.
I am so happy and grateful of the support for my personal budget to help me in my caring role.
I booked a reflexology session with Therapy Station.
I have been to the Therapy Station before for message and also Emmett Therapy. I have been having Emmett Therapy for a few sessions as I feel that it does go to the root of the problem.
This time I am trying reflexology as I have never had one before. All I know that it can be very painful. Hence I was reluctant to book a session. So now I am ready to try soft touch reflexology. So let’s see what’s in store.
On my appointment day, Dawn the therapist, explains that this method is very gentle and relaxing. It should be a session where I can chill out.
I took off my shoes and socks and sat on the table. She then asks me what colour stands out to me. I choose red and green. I am asked to select one, the colour that resonates to me. I choose red. It seems she agrees that is she best colour for me.
The bottle contains the essential oils. Then she starts to apply the oil to my feet. She says I will be relax. Well, that’s the aim.
The massage is very gentle. Then I said ” I don’t know what you are doing, I am having tingling on my head.” She affirms that the big toe that she is working goes to the head! Then I feel the sensation going to my shoulders! I try to relax and shut my eyes. I can feel various parts of my body responding to the touch. I can feel my sinus and eye socket responding!! Strange! I also drift to sleep on and off!
At one point, I feel warmth around the torso area. Then I can feel it working to my calves and legs.
I then suddenly start to feel that my breathing is clear! I feel that my lungs, trachea and my respiratory system working so well! At one stage I notice I am breathing faster. I do not have breathing problem, though. I suppose I am just responding to the energy.
At the end of the session, Dawn says that my chakras should be balanced. She says that I am really open to this (gentle touch reflexology) therapy. She further explains that she normally does not explains the details of what she is doing but I am so open to this ( responding to the various techniques).
Upon getting up, I feel so refreshed!! Unlike messages, which I normally feel like going to bed after it, I feel great!
That evening, I go to bed before 12 pm ( which I am trying hard to do). I can feel my body tingling , like what I feel in my finger tips when I do tai chi. This time, I can feel it in my toes, hands and practically my whole body. Its like I am absorbing energy from everywhere, all over my body!
I am not sure what this means. What I am sure is that this therapy make me feel more energised without being too hyped up. It is really relaxing.
![A bright Yellow Flower, Protease from the Eden Project.](
I highly recommend this therapy. I will certainty do this again. I know I can sense energy easily and also peoples’ vibes, but this really throws me off. I did no realise I can receive and feel so much energy. I am a believer in Holistic treatment, but I do not take it too seriously as I feel that it should be part of a treatment for good health. So now I am intrigued!
Important note:
This is not a sponsored post. I went there on my own. If you want to find out more, Please click Station Therapy for their website.
I hope you enjoy my post. Don’t forget to like and share with your family and friends especially those who require holistic treatment.
Until the next post,
Penang Lassie.